Hi, I’m so sorry you are going through this. Betrayal is truly heartbreaking and sometimes feels unbearable. I am in a similar situation as well. Found out my husband has been cheated since the beginning of our relationship, been together for almost 5 years. Come to find out he has been doing this since he was much younger. He is a porn/sex ...
My family and I waited for so long for her to realize her worth. We knew if we bashed him and told her to leave it wouldn’t be helpful so we just supported her through it all. A few months ago she finally did it. Of course, he’s giving her a hard time. He took her to court for full custody. During court he didn’t know their youngest son ...
the porn is a problem because its affecting our sex life, plus I think its disrespectful to be married and paying to see other women. its like online prostitution, in my humble opinion. in his vows he promised to be honest. for all I know he watched porn the morning of us going to get married and probably watched it on our honeymoon.
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